Ecosystem Restoration

With our history of mitigation work and our relationships with the state and federal regulatory agencies, we can quickly evaluate options, develop a plan, using a watershed approach, and implement efficient and cost-effective restoration solutions. Our completed mitigation projects have included all forms of viable mitigation allowed by state and federal regulatory agencies, including preservation, enhancement, restoration (re-establishment or rehabilitation) and creation (establishment).

Related Services

  • Annual Monitoring Reports
  • Community Education and Outreach
  • Conceptual Mitigation Plans
  • Design Alternatives Analysis
  • Drone Surveys and Data Collection
  • Existing Site Conditions Assessments
  • Functional Assessments
  • Grant Management and Implementation
  • Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plans
  • Habitat Mitigation Site Selection
  • In-Lieu Fee/Mitigation Bank Coordination
  • Invasive Species Monitoring and Management Planning
  • Long Term Management Planning
  • Mitigation Monitoring Programs
  • Pre- and Post-Wildfire Planning
  • Resource Management Planning
  • Restoration Monitoring Plans
  • Site Implementation Monitoring
  • Sustainable Sites Initiative Certification Planning