Regulatory Services

Our team has established deep, long-standing relationships with local agencies and industry leaders at all levels. We consistently deliver proven solutions for our clients’ projects and have a long track record of supporting local programs, regional initiatives, and nationwide goals. Whether projects are large or small, we have the experience and knowledge to bridge the gap between clients and regulatory agencies to complete projects on time and within budget.

Related Services

  • 404(b)(1) Alternatives Analyses
  • Aquatic Resource Delineations
  • California Rapid Assessment Method Analyses
  • Clean Water Act Section 401 & 404 Permits
  • Coastal Development Permits
  • Federal Biological Evaluations/Biological Assessments
  • Federal and State Endangered Species Act Permits
  • Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreements
  • Mitigation and Conservation Planning
  • Natural Community Conservation Plan/Habitat Conservation Plan/Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan Compliance Analyses
  • Permit Compliance and Trainings (Worker Environmental Awareness Program)
  • Staffing Augmentation Support
  • Streamflow Duration Assessment Method (SDAM) Evaluations
  • Waste Discharge Requirements
  • Watershed Profile Assessments